Sunday, December 23, 2012

Having Their Say

Just some cathartic things my friends have posted on Facebook in the past few days.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


I got an idea.  And it seems to be working.

I've started Facebooking my Spanish lesson.  Now I'm getting feedback from my husband and some of his friends, which is something I've wanted all along.

Specifically, the plan is to post my new vocabulary words with all of the phrases that my (many) Spanish dictionaries include in the entry for that word.  These phrases come from many Spanish speaking countries, but my husband and our friends are primarily from Mexico, so the plan is that they will tell me which of them are words and phrases that they use, and which ones I should discard.

Next, the exercises will be posted on Facebook, and they can make all the necessary corrections.  If I have any questions, these can also be posted on Facebook.

The only gap in the plan is the audio.  I need to figure out how to be able to hear and play back Gaby's voice saying the things I'm learning.

I'll get back to you if I figure it out.