Sunday, April 12, 2009

As If Anyone Cares.

Gian is starring as a vampire in a new movie, according to the trailer. So I decide to go see him to congratulate him. I hop on my bike and ride to NYC, the city of hills and trolleys. TJ, my friend and cöworker travels with me part of the way. At 5th and Broadway, I look way down the hill and see Gian coming out of the church service that was held in the parking garage. I fight my way through the crowd, and manage to catch him. I introduce myself as the guy from Oklahoma who follows his blog. He introduces me to one of his friends, who calls me a stalker. I start to protest but...

...then I wake up, wondering why I'm dreaming about a guy I never met.

And now I'm one of those dorks who posts his dreams on his blog.


  1. oh, yeah. White face, big teeth, slicked-back hair; very Lugosian. Probably got a decent paycheck out of the gig as well.

  2. hahaha
    big paycheck?
    i wish
    if only...
