Sunday, September 20, 2009

Summer Plans Part 2

The first week of September was my vacation (half of it anyway,) and we worked hard on the back room. New floor, new paint, and reconstucting a closet into more useful space. Putting in the floor was a lot of fun. It took about 10 hours, and looked fantastic when we were done. Naturally, Shadie was scared to death of it. (See previous post "Encore".)

The large closet at the end of the room became office space (with a built in computer desk, etc.), and a small broom closet, with storage space above.

Gaby picked the colors and did most of the painting. We put in a chair rail, painted white, and the wall above is now golden yellow, the wall below avacado green, with a maple leaf stencil above and below.

We ran out of time before we could finish. There are still the cabinet doors to do and a drawer to build, plus a few minor details. But we are very happy with the results.

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