Monday, October 19, 2009

Iowa Day Two - Vindication

Before going to bed last night, I called our friend Charla. I told her to pull up my post and read it. After doing so, she told me that she'd been watching "The Office" on TV, and had just seen the episode about Jim and Pam's wedding. Apparently, they'd invited a bunch of guests who were driving them crazy, and at some point had realized, "This is our wedding." Charla reminded me that this is our wedding, and if we want to elope, well that's our business and no one else's.
I'd told so many people that we were going that I hadn't thought of it as an elopement, but thinking of it that way made me feel a lot better about being here secretly. In fact, it's a lot of fun.


Des Moines is really easy to get around. Area-wise, it's a lot smaller than OKC, and there are only two highways. So much of the architecture in downtown is a century old and built in Victorian and other classical styles. For a guy like me, it was a feast for the eyes.

First thing to be done was to pick up the marriage licence. We had them make a couple of corrections, and then the young lady gave us the instructions on what to do with it. Then we spent the day wandering around downtown. Of particular interest, the Botanical Gardens and the Iowa State Capitol.

On the way back to the hotel, we needed to stop by a mall, a drug store, and a gas station. Bad directions from a couple of clerks sent us exploring West Des Moines and Clive in the dark, but we made it back home in time for "The Big Bang Theory."

Tomorrow is the big day.

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