Tuesday, March 15, 2011


This was a comment on one of Paul Krugman's blog posts (http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/03/13/the-wisconsin-effect/):

As an independent I try to look at both sides of the picture and what I am seeing on the republican side frightens me. I cannot believe that there are so many ignorant, gullible people out there who believe everything fed to them by republican congressmen/congresswomen, and pundits.
I was on active duty when George W. Bush was running for president. As you may or may not know the military has a majority of republican-leaning members and I was being told how wonderful George was and how he was going to turn the country around. Being an educated woman I decided to do some research and found that he had bankrupted a baseball team, an oil company and Texas was in financial trouble. I knew he was not going to be good and told everyone they needed to pull their retirement and put it in a safe place if he became prez. They laughed at me and told me I didn't know what I was talking about. Six months after he became president their retirement accounts failed and they lost not only what the gov't matched but it dipped into what they had contributed. They lamented and cried about what are we going to do now, and I explained I was still in the boat that had not capsized because I had moved my money, and had they listened and not laughed at me they would not be underwater. They were right George did turn the country around! Record losses and he took fed gov't from a surplus to a deficit.
Now we listen to repubs saying we need to drill more but what they are not telling you is that the US gov't pays subsidies to and gives tax breaks to companies drilling on our property. That oil does not come to us but is property of OPEC, and the US must buy their own oil at the going rate. The only thing drilling more will do is increase our deficit. You don't believe me ask the oil companies making record profits in the Billions of dollars.
Repubs say they need to give corporations tax breaks at the expense of our poor, middle class and elderly to promote job growth. How well has that worked? The tax breaks for the wealthy started under GW Bush and job growth for his 8 years in office is at about a million jobs. Tell me why would corporations hire more people when that would cut into their profits? If you can do more with less and make more money and the gov't is going to pay you more as incentive and you can keep getting that without hiring more people WHY HIRE? They can use some of the tax breaks to buy more republican congressmen/women to do their bidding.
The repubs can now spend unlimited amounts of money on ads (thanks supreme court) to brainwash you into believing they care about you when that is the last thing they care about.
Now that the repubs have control of many state congresses they can accomplish their mission at the state level. Have you ever taken the time to figure out what they are up to? Their mission is not targeting only democrats but republicans and independents alike. If they get rid of the unions ability to collectively bargain YOU may be working >40 hour work weeks without the benefit of overtime, and minimum wage will be gone. You will be working longer hours for less money, and the middle class will be gone. There will only be the very rich and the very poor.
They are defunding education. Have you asked WHY? Well if you cannot afford a higher education you will ever be qualified for the jobs that pay the higher wages. This is a way to keep a lower wage workforce and increase their profits.

Wake up America!!! The life as you know it is being taken away from you. Even though I can see what is happening, I am but one person. Do not let them brainwash you into believing they have your best interest at heart. THEY DO NOT!!!

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