Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I Wish I'd Said That

Dan Staley says:
It is especially useful to tweak those who feel compelled to use Cliiiiiiiiiimategaaaaaaaaaaaate! in an argument. That is: the day after the stolen e-mails were published, the glaciers did not advance, the seas did not retreat, the globe did not cool, the rains did not decrease in intensity, the spring did not come later, the arctic ice did not return, birds did not nest further south, pikas did not move downhill, the tundra shrubs did not cease their advance, permafrost did not re-freeze…you get the drift.

“The nefarious global conspiracy promoting the climate-change hoax continues to spread: The oceans are in on it. So are the maple trees of New England. And both Dakotas.”

koreyel says:
Well at least we know Heartland Institute is hard on it for the good guys. Those leaked emails show they hope to convince educators to “teach the controversy” with statements such as this: “whether humans are changing the climate is a major scientific controversy.” And that therefor educators need to teach both sides equally. And the real good news is that half the teachers surveyed already choose to do so because “they think there is validity to both sides”. (The 97% side and the 3% non-publishing side).

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