Monday, November 26, 2012


This is probably a mistake.
I can't sleep, and I have so much I want to do today.  Four or five more hours would be perfect, but my mind is going and going, and I can't shut it off.
I worked last night (Saturday night), and then had to get up after only three and a half hours of sleep to go to a bellman's meeting (which I was late for and missed most of.)  When I came home the coffee was still doing its job, so I didn't go right back to bed.  Sitting in front of the computer, I decided that if I stayed up all day I could get up earlier tomorrow and have a lot more useful hours in my day.  But I was so tired, and while Gaby hung the Christmas lights and put up the tree, I was a slug and did hardly anything at all.  The house looks great, but my contribution was minimal.
My Mom called sometime during the evening and asked me if I was available for dinner tomorrow night, and I said yes.  I haven't had a date with Mom since Mother's day last year, so I'm looking forward to it.
After dinner I went to bed expecting/hoping to sleep eight hours or more, but I woke up after about four hours with a headache.  I got up and took some aspirin, but, while I was laying in bed waiting for it to kick in, my mind started going.  Normally, I use the big book of crossword puzzles next to the bed to make my mind shut off so I can sleep.  It's become my bedtime ritual, and it works really well.  But turning on the light would disturb Gaby, so not now.  So I'm thinking. this because I mentioned that I have several financial obligations coming up at once?...
...the Supreme court is supposed to be deciding which cases they'll hear on the DOMA on the 30th...
...why is he calling himself a conservative when he's obviously a movement consevative...
...but there's no way Erector sets are going to be able to compete with birds and orchids...
...I keep checking, but so far he hasn't posted anything at all...
...I already found his; I just need to buy it, wrap it and stick it under the tree.  Hers I may need to order, but I want to shop around first...
...well, they haven't had a case so far, and every time it's gone to court they've called it unconstitutional...
...once in a while, I think about having a garage sale and just putting everything we own up for sale...'s not just the money; it's the time.  This is where being nocturnal sucks...
...truth is I just waste too much time...
...except for the books.  Getting rid of them would be hard...
...the painting is taking way too long.  There's something about the way I'm going about it that's not working... would change everything.  He could get a job...
...I know I'm not out to his relatives, but I'm not sure about his friends, and now that he's on Facebook...
...the couple in this show were so much like us, but their attitudes toward each other were so different from ours.  But still, I could totally identify with the one with the job...
...I really don't see a difference between filtering an understanding of a national policy through a foreign culture is any different from filtering it through FOX...
...don't forget to call Greg...'ll be time to start new drawings for the spring shows in a month.  I think I should do a few small to medium sized ones...
...surfing turned out to be a metaphor for orchids...
...Fauxcahontis?  Is that a thing?..'s a fear of failure thing.  I've got it too...
...go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep...

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