Thursday, July 30, 2015

Evidence, People. It's All About The Evidence.

So, a friend of mine posted this article to his Facebook wall today.  It's from a website called Right Wing News, and the headline reads,
That Changing Climate Change: Arctic Sea Ice Sees ‘Huge Increase'
The article is short, saying, "Global warming religionists don’t want to talk about the growing amount of Arctic sea ice. It ruins their religious beliefs. But reality seems to note that sea ice is growing at a quick pace and will be back to 1980s levels in the next few years.
"Once again we thank the website Real Science for this info:
'There has been a huge increase in the amount of old, thick Arctic sea ice over the last three years. This is due to a change in winter winds, which is now preserving the ice rather than pushing it out into the North Atlantic.
If this trend continues, the ice will be back to 1980’s levels within about five years.
Climate criminals will not report this, because it is their job to create propaganda for the White House – not discuss facts.'
"Boy does this put a dent in the left’s global warming religion."

That's it, except for a graphic which was also taken, without any kind of legend, from the Real Science article. So we click on the link and go to the Real Science article to get the scoop.  It is also a short article.  It says,
"There has been a huge increase in the amount of old, thick Arctic sea ice over the last three years. This is due to a change in winter winds, which is now preserving the ice rather than pushing it out into the North Atlantic.
If this trend continues, the ice will be back to 1980’s levels within about five years. 
Climate criminals will not report this, because it is their job to create propaganda for the White House – not discuss facts." 
That's it.  That's the complete article.  No measurements, no data, no links to scientific papers.  Fully substantiated by the author's own opinion.  And somehow, this is supposed to "put a dent in the left’s global warming religion."

Meanwhile, back at the REAL Real Science webpage
Figure 3. Monthly June ice extent for 1979 to 2015 shows a decline of 3.6% per decade relative to the 1981 to 2010 average.

All backed up by measurements, data, and decades of research.  The way it should be.

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