Friday, August 7, 2015

Post Debate Reading List

Reading list:
It is now time to remember Donald Trump’s worst prediction ever, in which the Donald predicts Obamacare will cause massive unemployment.
Donald Trump Won't Win a War Against Fox News  in which the RNC has many tricks up its sleeve to prevent a Trump nomination.
Live Coverage of the First Republican Debate in which the gang at FiveThirtyEight discusses the debate as it happens.
Democrats jubilant after chaotic Republican debate in which Democrats celebrate the "extremism that is the Republican party of today."
FactChecking the GOP Debate, Late Edition  In which the gang at examine some of the claims of the debaters.
17 candidates, 2 debates, 1 Donald Trump and plenty to fact-check in which the gang at does the same.
G.O.P. Candidates and Obama’s Failure to Fail in which the shared premise among Republicans is that the Obama years have been a time of policy disaster on every front, yet they almost nothing to say about any of the supposed disaster areas.

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