Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Fairies Have Come to Dance In Our Yard!

A circle of mushrooms has grown up in our yard, and our neighbor, Dot, came over and explained to Gaby that it's called a fairy ring. Apparently, the fairies have decided that they like Gaby's garden, and to celebrate it they have created a place to come and dance in our yard during the full moon. There's a space about 18" wide on one side, which means that Gaby is welcome to come in, but when he mows, he has to use scissors inside the circle.

Last Wednesday afternoon, a fairy on a stick showed up in the center of the circle. We assumed Dot had put it there. This morning the fairy turned into a flamingo. When Gaby saw Dot today and asked her about it, she said that she had driven by this morning and noticed it herself, thinking, "Oh! Gaby's got a flamingo just like mine." But when she got home, it was "Wait...Where's MY flamingo?" Turns out that the son of another neighbor had taken both items out of her yard and put them in ours -- the fairy because it was appropriate, the flamingo as a joke.

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