Sunday, March 10, 2013

Let There Be (More) Light

Daylight Savings Time begins today, and for people like me, project oriented, yet nocturnal, it means another hour to work in the garage.   At least, that's the plan.  I got myself a new toy, and I'm hoping that having spent money on a scroll saw will inspire me to acually get out and use it.  I have a few projects in mind to do as soon as the weather is consistently warmer.  The biggest obstacles of course are Facebook and general failures of time management.
    I'm spending this weekend at home in front of the computer with a massive head cold.  I feel like I've got a baseball sized glob of Jello behind my eyes and nose, and my OTC medicines are having mixed results.  I've stayed home from work on both Friday and Saturday night, which has cost me a bundle of money.  I haven't even been able to use the time off productively because sometimes it's an effort to hold up my head.
    So, I've spent a lot of time either in bed, in front of the computer watching movies and shows on Hulu, or reading on my Nook.  Gaby fixed some homemade chicken soup this evening,which was very good, and we ordered pizza last night.  I keep thinking of things I could be doing, but my energy level is so low, I don't even want to try.

I'm so bored. 

Maybe I'll try to force myself to do something when it's time for the next pill.

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