John Bolin
· Miami, FL ·
Posted in response to someone suggesting my step-son is somewhat of a lazy bum that is just trying to suck momma's titties at the age of 26. Well, I broke it down and saw things just aren't very attractive for a young man his age in Miami. MOVE, you say? THAT costs fuckin' money as well. When I was younger in the 80's and saw those goddamned "poor people" on television all I thought was they should just fucking MOVE and find a city with more work and better wages. It didn't dawn on me that MOVING costs a shitload of money; finding a new home in an alien area with no friends or family is NOT an easy thing. For a SINGLE young man it is do-able, in a way. For a formerly well-employed father of 3, with a wife that worked part-time to help supplement the income, but lost her job as well as he losing his, it is NOT that goddamned simple, ESPECIALLY with a motherfucking GOP Congress that has voted down nearly 30 jobs bills, 5 veterans assistance bills, nixed the break on student loans, and killed the unemployment benefits to the long-term unemployed, who continue seeking jobs, despite there being ONE job for every THREE job seekers. Gotta love the GOP and the motherfuckin', goddamned US of A that seeks to create and continue MASSIVE tax breaks for the top 1% as well as the 25% of top corporations that pay ZERO in taxes and most of which receive BILLIONS in taxpayer dollars to help them along. Cocksuckers. All of you GOP pieces of shit. Let's go GUILLOTINES! God, I hope I live long enough to see some BALLS grow in this nation. Hey, I'll be more than happy to stand the front lines. Just let me exercise my absurd 2nd Amendment RIGHTS to enforce a little FAIRNESS in our evil system bought and paid for by those calling corporations people.
Gotta clean up my comments sometimes. RE: Miss Donna, my step-son actually works his ass off, but thanks to this ABSURD economy wherein we hard working people believe it is perfectly swell for some people to make 500 TIMES what other TRULY hard working people make, it is hard for young people to stand a chance and pay the incredibly high cost of living in Miami. After all, if you wish to rent a ROOM in someone's house you can expect to pay between $650 to $5,000 PER MONTH, depending on where it is. For a ROOM, NOT a house or an apartment. Let us do the math. At $10.00 per hour, fully 40% MORE than "minimum wage", a person MAY bring home $325.00 per week, as long as there are no rain days or holidays or sick days, things people are rarely paid for anymore, a person can pay $600.00 per month for an extremely CHEAP HOVEL - I mean, a ROOM in someone else's hovel - then pay $150 per month for a bus pass, since most assuredly a CAR at $200 or so per month - cheap-assed USED piece of junk car is not affordable, especially with $200 dollars per month in insurance for a younger person.
Food? Oh, that lazy bastard wants to eat as well? Okay, we'll provide some cheap chuck wagon trucks that'll give him something for $5 to $6.00 per day...$30 per week. Okay, lunch and rent equals $150.00 per week, out of that $325. OH?!!! You want electricity to go with that room? Do ya' want cable television as well, you greedy bastard? Add another $50 per week. Where are we? Hmmm, about $200.00 per week. What the fuck now, you actually want breakfast or dinner as well? Friggin' GREEDY working people, when will they stop their greed?!!! Shee-it, that's another $100 per week, if you buy cheap shit that will fill you up while starving your body of actual nutrients, which are entirely too expensive for you goddamned working people to buy. Okay, so where are we now with that MASSIVE paycheck that is 40% MORE than minimum wage? Oh, $300.00 per week. What? Now you want a fucking telephone as well? Dayum, these people have no limits on their desires! Fucking dregs of society, these working people! Fuck it, you still have $25.00 per week to pay for your healthcare, clothes, awesome nights out at the restaurant and clubs, and your 401K retirement savings. Goddamned working people just need to straighten up and start living right and saving MORE.
What?! NOW you say you have an actual KID? Are you fucking NUTS? How the hell are you gonna pay for THAT outrageous expense? We need to sterilize all people making under $20 per hour to help us REAL hard workers from paying for those lazy bums by subsidizing their easy lifestyle of foodstamps and welfare. Sons-of-bitches. Taking money out of MY pocket when I try so very hard to I can donate the multi BILLIONS my nation's tax code just GIVES to the largest corporations and the top 1% of wealth holders. That is my only job. My existence and reason for being is to help subsidize the 1% and the world's most profitable and largest corporations in history.
3 mins · Like
John Bolin
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Jimmi Rorie I hear you.On disability and can't move without sacrificing something,even working part time. 1% of the population controls 90% of the income. Ripe for a 2nd American Revolution
11 hrs · Like · 3
Enaj Eod Amazing how many people just don't get simple math.
11 hrs · Like · 2
Noreen Manvell Every time I write about the increase in crime and needing to protect ourselves, some arrogant asshole tells me to move. Makes me want to punch him in the face. Life you say, moving costs money. But also, I'll be goddamned if some punk criminals are going to chase me away from my little house that we've had for over 20 years. The crime is not from within our neighborhood - it is gangbangers and punks coming here from other places looking for easy victims. They are always shocked when they realize that every single house in this 'hood has dogs and guns and we aren't afraid to use them. I'm only moving when I have a better job and it will make me more money for a higher quality of life. Until then, we are hunkering down and not letting punks chase us out of our homes.
Last time I moved from California to Tennessee it cost about $6,000 - and that was not using a moving van company - I couldn't afford those guys - so I had to give away half of my shit. Worse than getting a damn divorce.
10 hrs · Like · 1
Enaj Eod And you have to wonder--don't those people realize that crime is not only everywhere but is totally mobile too. *smh . . . people . . . sigh.
10 hrs · Like · 2
Mary Lambertha He can stay with you rent and then you give him back the rent in 6 months or so and he will have deposit money for a place. It can be done. I know several people that support families on a fraction of what i make. If his priorities are right he can make it
10 hrs · Like · 3
Dallas Bingham Ummmmm....... Just sayin, you can get a good job if you are willing to take on the work load and education. Maybe Miami is not the place to live if all those evil republican bastards that have to foot the bill on their workforce's health care insurance cannot afford to pay you better wages....... Maybe you reevaluate your democratic position on those GOD DAMN 1%ers and realize that in order to provide a service and pay their taxes and your wages, and your healthcare maybe 10 bucks an hour is all they can afford too! Just saying, maybe those greedy fucking business owners are not the problem. Maybe overpopulation and government rule is the culprit. But what do I know? I am just some snot nosed little Fuck without a college education and a six figure income that I went and earned myself.......And I love my guns!
10 hrs · Like · 2
Mary Lambertha I got dumped by a fb friend when i was bitching about my neighborhood..she says..just move...him...yea..a family of in school..i dont have thousands to put on just moving..i told her to get out in the world more and she would stop saying stupid shit like that.
10 hrs · Like · 4
John Bolin I made plenty of money in my day, Dallas, and I was not overly "regulated", though my best earning years were dealing drugs. You, however, have had the incredible luxury of a FAMILY, a HOME, and OPPORTUNITY. Many people do NOT have that, but that is unimaginable for some who have had such privileges. Regarding income, just try and consider the actual NUMBERS that are indisputable. 60% of ALL the wealth created in the US the last 30 years has gone to 1% of the population. Why? Oh, they work so much "harder". Right. 95% of ALL the gains during the anemic "economic recovery" of the last 6 years has gone to the 1%. 95%. I wonder just how far along you'd be with NO family connections and no helpful uncles and no wonderful mother and great dad? By the way, I managed to open 3 companies and SOMEHOW didn't starve despite one of my most successful companies paying 50% above minimum wage in a job description that was a minimum wage job - yes, my little "John's Lawns...PLUS" company in Arkansas. Hell, I paid my help $7.00 per our their FIRST day as well as bought them breakfast AND lunch, another $15 or so for the day, and IF they worked well gave them a dollar an hour raise their second day. NEVER did I go hungry.
If you cannot run a business and pay your employees a LIVING wage you have NO BUSINESS being IN BUSINESS in this country. PERIOD.
I am NOT some "commie pig bastard" seeking re-distribution of wealth, although we have witnessed the largest transfer - redistribution - in world history the last 30 years in this nation, FROM the working poor and middle classes to the top 1%. When the CEO's of major corporations went from making 40 times their average salaried worker in the 80's to over 380 TIMES that much today, something is slightly askew. When the tax code has taken corporations from paying 40% of the U.S. Government's total revenues in 1948 to less than 10% today, do ya' know WHO is picking up that tax bill? Our supposedly outrageous high corporate taxes are a MYTH. IN 2012 25% of the top 500 corporations not only paid ZERO in taxes on their profits, but actually received government "checks" - WELFARE - to the tune of many billions of dollars. As long as you are happy subsidizing them, power to you. Keep bitching about the working poor who work every bit as hard as you. Surely they are the problem, NOT the massive redistribution of wealth, thanks to a tax code which is MAN-MADE, and corporate-purchased and paid-for, which allows Bill Gates or Warren Buffet or the Koch Brothers to pay LESS in taxes as a percentage of income than you do. Keep picking up their tab and kissing their greedy asses. You probably think you will be one of them someday, but in the U.S. you have the LEAST likely chance of entering their pay grade than ANY Industrialized nation on earth. Good luck.
9 hrs · Like · 4
John Bolin Incidentally, Dallas, not to drag up simple facts, but when a nation has all of its wealth concentrated in the hands of a very small handful of people, that nation goes to hell in a, get this, hand bag, very rapidly. The middle classes and working people are the DRIVERS of the economy. When they have no disposable income jobs are LOST; hence, this bullshit we see now in the anemic "recovery" we have after experiencing the last great GOP leader who led us into two wars without paying for them, cutting the stock market in HALF, losing 800,000 JOBS PER MONTH in his heyday, and jacking our federal budget deficit up to $1.2 TRILLION dollars. I won't mention we've seen 250,000 jobs PER MONTH created for the entirety of this year, nor the FACT that for the FIRST TIME since Clinton, and only the second time in 50 years the Federal Budget deficit has been reduced, to HALF the Bush legacy...oh, the stock market has more than DOUBLED during these last 6 years. Obama is truly a HORRIBLE "socialist" leader. That fuck.
9 hrs · Like · 3
Dallas Bingham And I would like to remind you, to repeatedly and vigorously go Fuck yourself. And good day. I agree with 90% of what you say, just still like to think that this country has a chance. Let's just start the new American revolution. All will be well when the streets run red with the blood of the weak, the worthless and the dumb. Allah bless the USA! Or Buddha or Jesus, Christ, not the taco guy down the street.
9 hrs · Like
John Bolin I must give you a very hearty "fuck you" on that one as Tacos are my favorite food! Well, I do like a good T-bone with lobster, but actually prefer tacos, enchiladas and other sundry Mexican or Tex-Mex food. Any food south of Mexico SUCKS. Trust me. It sucks. Some of us were goddamned lucky to be raised in the great American Southwest where REAL food came to meet REAL COWS!
9 hrs · Like · 4
John Bolin By the way, you really would LOVE a journal I wrote some years ago about "de-populating" planet earth. It was quite sensible. Every human is given a physical, psychological, intelligence, and emotional test at age 5, 10 and 15. Those in the top 10% of all scores are allowed THREE children. Those in the 50% percentile are allowed two children. Those in the bottom quartile are allowed ONE, then sterilized. Those at the bottom, are allowed NONE and are sterilized by age 15. I think you may appreciate that, and I STILL contend that is a great idea. See, I'm not always that smarmy and mushy. If someone is incapable of managing to feed themselves, they goddamned sure don't need to re-produce and create others of the same variety! Hey, we're both still little Nazis at heart, but WITH a heart and compassion. At least I am.
9 hrs · Edited · Like
Dallas Bingham And some of us where lucky enough to have learned a great work ethic since we were 12. And some are lazy worthless fucks. But, no matter where we are raised we still have an opportunity in this country. But I am done for the evening Mr. Bolin. Have a good night. Maybe this Christmas we can come down to Miami and visit but the Rockies are calling you. Come on.
9 hrs · Like · 2
John Bolin Good job, sir. I'm NOT dying...well, we ALL are, but I no longer have such a lovely "deadline" on the matter. Let me tell you, young man, that is an incredible psychological thing...going from "you're dead in under 6 months" to, "Hey! You don't have cancer after all"!!! Just kidding, you know?! Yes, I'd like to see you, Kiddo. And your wife sounds very nice...I don't know WHAT got into her to get her to marry you, though. I guess she was just being an optimist! (Long time no see. We'll do verbal battle another day. Your mother hates me, you know. But...well, look at my profile picture!)
9 hrs · Like
John Bolin And the Rockies are definitely calling! Gawd, I cannot believe when I was a little "tanked up" and ready to come there for one of the long weekends, credit card in hand ready to buy whatever I needed, my fucking internet chose to go DOWN that night and save me from myself. Friggin' internet! Have a great night, "little one". (No one here on my FB pages have a clue who the fuck you are...hell, I don't know who the fuck you are, why should they be better informed than me!) Say "hey" to the Missus.
9 hrs · Like · 1
John Bolin Liberating the CAT time. The cat is coming out of the bag. One Mr. Dallas Bingham is my ONLY offspring. He shall become 30 years old on 13 September. Fucker tried to make it on 9-11 but as usual was running late. The apple fell a long distance from the tree...NOT. I was him at age 30. I've changed, he hasn't, but WILL. Maybe. We don't necessarily agree on politics but when together, which is not often, we have a wonderful time. Son of a bitch has such nice teeth. He got those from his momma. I can't even BUY teeth that look so nice. Life is just NOT FAIR!!!
9 hrs · Like · 2
Mari Lynn ouch, I just gpot sooo depressed. sucks!
9 hrs · Like · 1
Dallas Bingham Ernesto Che' Gueverra was a murderer and revolutionary understood by few. Do not agree with his message but I do agree with his methods.
9 hrs · Like · 1
John Bolin I thought you were in bed, young man. SOME of us have to work tomorrow...thankfully it is probably YOU so you can support my lazy ass! Love it. Actually, I changed my pic recently in response to some sort of political diatribe someone was on, probably not me...maybe, and said those that suffered at the hands of that TOO MELLOW person should be damned happy that I am NOT in charge. I'd actually be ruthless. And by ruthless, I mean fuckin' RUTHLESS. There would be many heads coming off from the top and many more heads coming off at the bottom. I'm just a bad person when you get right down to it.
9 hrs · Edited · Like
Dallas Bingham Apple indeed does not fall far then. Until yesterday, I thought that is how you spell my name.... RUTHLESS
9 hrs · Like · 1
John Bolin By the way, I was looking for a new home recently (today) and on Craigslist hit upon a decent little place in Ft. Lauderdale, then a lovely place in Vera Cruz, Mexico, and finally found paradise in Paraiso (paradise) Caribeno Cuba. Yes, I'm not averse to moving to Cuba, though it would require a few paperwork gymnastics. I'm good at paperwork if nothing else. Now, it looks like my place here is still secure, though things were rather shady for a couple of days. All I want is my little pool, which I've been in since 7:00 pm or so and it is nearly 1:00 a.m. I like being water logged and feeding my many mosquito friends. They so love and appreciate me, and invariably fly away drunk as hell. Half of them don't make it home and are met by their little mosquito wives at their homes the next day barking and growling at them for being in John's Bar so long. Life is good.
9 hrs · Like
John Bolin Shhhh...Dallas, THAT's your REAL middle name. "James" was thrown in there just to throw people off track. I think I might know you after all. I just have to travel back in time in my mind when I voted for Reagan TWICE, VERY enthusiastically.
8 hrs · Like
John Bolin Don't really know you, kid, but I fuckin' love you!!! You're everything I hoped I'd be at 30 years old...sort of...except...well, the rich and successful and handsome and excellent dancer part. Keep practicing.
8 hrs · Like
Bobby Marcum Why on earth would you vote for a professional actor???
8 hrs · Like · 1
John Bolin Because he was an excellent soap and detergent salesman in the 50's, Bobby. What? You mean you didn't vote for him? Do you mean to say you were not swayed by the "Great Communicator" front man for James Baker, Dick Cheney, Admiral Secord and company? After all, his own memoirs show he worked from about 9:30 in the morning to nearly noon, before taking his 2-hour lunch, then his daily NAP from 2:30 or so until 4:00, so he could clock out by 4:30. THAT was one smart President! He knew how not to work!
8 hrs · Like
Bobby Marcum I was trying to figure out how "couple skate" worked when he did his Iran hostage response, and I don't remember anything aside from all of the grown-ups going over to the tv to listen while their offspring were free to skate as fast as possible, possibly breaking their necks in the process-that is professional negligence illustrated!
8 hrs · Like
John Bolin For some reason he felt compelled to state some 206 times, or thereabouts, that he "did not recall" during the Iran-Contra Hearings, which I watched EVERY HOUR OF on television when it occurred. Let's see, he "negotiated with 'terrorists' " to trade arms for hostages; he also negotiated with MORE "terrorists" to ensure our hostages in Iran from the Embassy were NOT released until his inauguration day; he continued a war in Nicaragua, which Congress specifically forbade; his CIA imported HUGE amounts of cocaine from Colombia to provide them with yet more monies for his little "off-the-shelf" enterprises run by a TRAITOROUS Marine Corps. Lieutenant Colonel named Oliver North; Miami became the cocaine capital of the U.S. thanks to that importation of drugs in the early 80's by the CIA and led to the creation of the "crack epidemic" along with incredible turf battles and massive massacres in the Miami area for the drug trade...let's see, what did he NOT do? Oh, yes, he DID at least TRIPLE the entire U.S. government national DEBT - yes, TRIPLED it, yet during Obama's tenure, funding two UNFUNDED wars started by Bush II, it only rose 55%, not TRIPLED. He oversaw unemployment skyrocketing to 10.2%, the absolute HIGHEST in my lifetime. Yes, Lord Ronnie was such a stellar example of just exactly what a GOP President can offer this country!!!
8 hrs · Like
Summer Wallace-Minger Jesus, John, you voted for Reagan? Fucking Reagan? Were you high? You were high, weren't you?
1 hr · Like · 1
Tony Smith I just shared your whole damn original post up there John, because it kicks ass. Don't worry about "cleaning up" your language. There's no such fucking thing as a bad word, particularly when the content delivered is the fucking truth.
42 mins · Like
Bobby Marcum No words are inherently bad, because ultimately they're a collection of gibberish everyone has agreed upon and assigned meaning to. There are different consequences for uttering some gibberish noises due to that perception. "Here is a cupcake I made for you, because I think you are a good person. You should enjoy it," might mean "I'm going to cut off your arms and duct tape them to a fire hydrant be cause I think it would look like R2D2 from Star Wars. I like R2D2." In fact, that has happened to me more than once.
John Bolin
, Miami, FL ·
Posted in response to someone suggesting my step-son is somewhat of a lazy bum that is just trying to suck momma's titties at the age of 26. Well, I broke it down and saw things just aren't very attractive for a young man his age in Miami. MOVE, you say? THAT costs fuckin' money as well. When I was younger in the 80's and saw those goddamned "poor people" on television all I thought was they should just fucking MOVE and find a city with more work and better wages. It didn't dawn on me that MOVING costs a shitload of money; finding a new home in an alien area with no friends or family is NOT an easy thing. For a SINGLE young man it is do-able, in a way. For a formerly well-employed father of 3, with a wife that worked part-time to help supplement the income, but lost her job as well as he losing his, it is NOT that goddamned simple, ESPECIALLY with a motherfucking GOP Congress that has voted down nearly 30 jobs bills, 5 veterans assistance bills, nixed the break on student loans, and killed the unemployment benefits to the long-term unemployed, who continue seeking jobs, despite there being ONE job for every THREE job seekers. Gotta love the GOP and the motherfuckin', goddamned US of A that seeks to create and continue MASSIVE tax breaks for the top 1% as well as the 25% of top corporations that pay ZERO in taxes and most of which receive BILLIONS in taxpayer dollars to help them along. Cocksuckers. All of you GOP pieces of shit. Let's go GUILLOTINES! God, I hope I live long enough to see some BALLS grow in this nation. Hey, I'll be more than happy to stand the front lines. Just let me exercise my absurd 2nd Amendment RIGHTS to enforce a little FAIRNESS in our evil system bought and paid for by those calling corporations people.
Gotta clean up my comments sometimes. RE: Miss Donna, my step-son actually works his ass off, but thanks to this ABSURD economy wherein we hard working people believe it is perfectly swell for some people to make 500 TIMES what other TRULY hard working people make, it is hard for young people to stand a chance and pay the incredibly high cost of living in Miami. After all, if you wish to rent a ROOM in someone's house you can expect to pay between $650 to $5,000 PER MONTH, depending on where it is. For a ROOM, NOT a house or an apartment. Let us do the math. At $10.00 per hour, fully 40% MORE than "minimum wage", a person MAY bring home $325.00 per week, as long as there are no rain days or holidays or sick days, things people are rarely paid for anymore, a person can pay $600.00 per month for an extremely CHEAP HOVEL - I mean, a ROOM in someone else's hovel - then pay $150 per month for a bus pass, since most assuredly a CAR at $200 or so per month - cheap-assed USED piece of junk car is not affordable, especially with $200 dollars per month in insurance for a younger person.
Food? Oh, that lazy bastard wants to eat as well? Okay, we'll provide some cheap chuck wagon trucks that'll give him something for $5 to $6.00 per day...$30 per week. Okay, lunch and rent equals $150.00 per week, out of that $325. OH?!!! You want electricity to go with that room? Do ya' want cable television as well, you greedy bastard? Add another $50 per week. Where are we? Hmmm, about $200.00 per week. What the fuck now, you actually want breakfast or dinner as well? Friggin' GREEDY working people, when will they stop their greed?!!! Shee-it, that's another $100 per week, if you buy cheap shit that will fill you up while starving your body of actual nutrients, which are entirely too expensive for you goddamned working people to buy. Okay, so where are we now with that MASSIVE paycheck that is 40% MORE than minimum wage? Oh, $300.00 per week. What? Now you want a fucking telephone as well? Dayum, these people have no limits on their desires! Fucking dregs of society, these working people! Fuck it, you still have $25.00 per week to pay for your healthcare, clothes, awesome nights out at the restaurant and clubs, and your 401K retirement savings. Goddamned working people just need to straighten up and start living right and saving MORE.
What?! NOW you say you have an actual KID? Are you fucking NUTS? How the hell are you gonna pay for THAT outrageous expense? We need to sterilize all people making under $20 per hour to help us REAL hard workers from paying for those lazy bums by subsidizing their easy lifestyle of foodstamps and welfare. Sons-of-bitches. Taking money out of MY pocket when I try so very hard to I can donate the multi BILLIONS my nation's tax code just GIVES to the largest corporations and the top 1% of wealth holders. That is my only job. My existence and reason for being is to help subsidize the 1% and the world's most profitable and largest corporations in history.