Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Reading List for 10-28-15

The Fake News Food Chain, in which real journalists aren’t able to recognize that the politicians they’re interviewing are parroting garbage factoids from Fox‘s land of make-believe.

After Company Raises Minimum Salary To $70,000, Revenue And Profits Double, in which we discover that Gravity Payments benefits from basic economic principles.  You can read a related article from a while back here.

Brownback satisfaction rating at 18%; Democrats targeting Senate seats, in which 61% of Kansans think the Governor's signature tax policies have either been a "failure" or a "tremendous failure."

Billionaire Hobby Lobby owners probed in looting of artifacts for Bible museum, in which the Customs Department finds suspicious packages en route to OKC.

Can taxing the rich reduce inequality? You bet it can!   in which we learn something we learned 50+ years ago.

GOP candidates stumble badly on fake historical quotes, in which a lot of candidates go all David Barton in their campaign speeches. 

"The official response here in Oklahoma is based on pedestrian self-interest about how important the energy sector is here on an economic level and just basic ignorance. It’s important to note that the state has a low college graduate rate and has cut education funding the most of any state in the nation in the last several years. This is the state that has produced the world’s most infamous global warming denier, U.S Sen. Jim Inhofe, and is home to The Oklahoman, one of the most conservative major metropolitan newspapers in the country. The newspaper supports Inhofe and ridicules anyone concerned about this issue.
"Oklahoma will go down in history as a world cesspool of ignorance and corporate greed as the planet is slowly but surely destroyed. Hyperbole? I see nothing here certainly and not much in the world that’s happening that makes me feel such a statement is over the top."  Dr. Kurt Hochenauer

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