Saturday, January 20, 2018


Some non-partisan facts:

• The President is a Republican.
• The House is controlled by Republicans.
• The Senate is controlled by Republicans.
• The party in control determines what bills come to the floor for a vote.
• The Children's Health Insurance Program expired in September 2017.
• The Republican House and Senate never brought a bill to the floor to vote on extending it. Not once.
• President Trump, via executive order, revoked DACA protections several months ago. He gave Congress a deadline to fix the problem that he created completely on his own.
• Congress failed to come up with a solution to the President's unprovoked actions.
• Congress, which is run by Republicans, failed to address DACA, failed to address CHIP, and failed to address the budget, leaving essential government personnel, including the military, forced to function under months of a CR - continuing resolutions.
• The President, who is a Republican, failed to outline ANY type of position on... well, anything... besides tax cuts for rich folks and corporations.
• Today is the one year anniversary of Donald J. Trump being inaugurated. It is also the first time in American history that the government has shut down when one party has controlled all branches of government simultaneously. - Suzanne Renee Covey

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