Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Fascist Things My Friends Post On Facebook

I've had a plan in the back of my head to write a long post about Fascism, both in general and in how I am seeing it play out in real life on my Facebook feed, but procrastination has allowed much of what I want to write about to slip into the murky past.  So I've decided to try a different tactic.

If you read my blog, you will have noticed that I have a couple of series that been posting of photos and screen captures.  The first one I called "Foxworld," and it consists of images describing some pretty dumb things that are believed in the alternate reality some people on the right are living in.  The second I call "First Reaction," which is just a visceral response to something, with no research or links to back up what I think.  Now I'm starting a third: Fascist things my friends post on Facebook.  I don't believe that many of them will need comment.

Here's the first:

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