Saturday, November 16, 2024

America: You Fucked Up


America: You Fucked Up

You could have chosen Hope. You chose Hate.

You could have chosen Empathy. You chose Enmity.

You could have chosen a New Beginning. You chose the Nazi.

We could have finally been rid of this cancer on American democracy. He could have been banished to obscurity, remembered only as the worst president in American history, and finally held responsible for his numerous crimes.

The ignorant, racist, misogynistic, white supremacist, pathologicial liar is now going back to the White House. He is a convicted felon, an admitted sexual predator, a total fraud, and a demented old man. He belongs in prison.

What did you do?

You ignored that the U.S. economy is the strongest in the world, that inflation is at its lowest level in four years, that unemployment is at its lowest level in three years. You believed the lies about how terrible the economy is. I knew better.

You forgot about his 30,000+ lies while he was in office. I remember.

You forgot about his complete mismanagement and ignorance over COVID, resulting in the deaths of over one million Americans. I remember.

You forgot about the saber rattling over military exercises in the pacific, when Kim Jong Un threatened us with nuclear missiles, causing us to fear whether we'd see another day. I remember.

You forgot about waking up every morning dreading to hear the latest abomination he tweeted. I remember.

You forgot about "very fine people on both sides." I remember.

You forgot about "only the best people" like Betsy DeVos, Rick Perry, Tom Price, Scott Pruitt, Steve Mnuchin, and many others who were given cabinet positions despite having zero qualifications for the job. I remember.

You forgot that 40 of his former cabinet members and dozens of former generals and officials refused to support him, saying he was "unfit to serve." I remember.

You forgot about January 6, "fight like hell". I remember.

You forgot that when he was told that his vice president was secured because the rioters wanted to kill him, he said, "So what?" I remember

You forgot about The Big Lie, "Release the Kraken" and 60+ failed attempts to overturn the election in the courts. I remember.

You forgot about "I just need you to find 11,780 votes." I remember.

You forgot about "They're eating the cats! They're eating the dogs!" I remember.

What now?

When a woman suffering an ectopic pregnancy dies because she doesn't have access to medical care, that's on you.

When they take away your neighbor, your co-worker, your friend, and deport them, that's on you.

When a woman is forced to suffer the agony of carrying her rapist's baby to term, that's on you.

When a transgender kid harms themselves because they can't get the medical care they need, that's on you.

When your middle-class taxes GO UP, while billionaires get even more tax breaks, that's on you.

When schoolchildren are killed by an assault rifle in a mass shooting, that's on you.

When children grow up ignorant because you banned books and dictated how history is taught, that's on you.

When Grandma can no longer afford a comfortable life because the Social Security she paid into all her working life, and provided income on which she now depends, has been cut, that's on you.

When violence against Jews, Asians, Hispanics rises again, that's on you.

When prices on the goods you buy skyrocket due to tariffs, that's on you.

When Ukraine, deprived of our support, is overrun by Russia, that's on you.

When the U.S. is the laughing stock of the world (as we were 2016-2020), that's on you.

What should you have done?

You should have exercised critical thinking skills, recognized the thousands of lies you were being told, recalled that his administration had four years to live up to his promises and failed at all of them. You should have realized that he is a profoundly stupid individual who doesn't give a shit about you or your family or anything except himself.

You had the last nine years to see that, and you still fell for his bullshit.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

gas and groceries (tumblr grab)

 Why do conservatives complain about the price of gas and groceries?

If you don't like the price of gas and groceries, just stop buying gas and groceries.

What's that? That's horrible advice?

Well, that's the exact advice you've been giving to other struggling people since the beginning of time. You've been nonchalantly defending the free market whenever it was harmful to others. You convinced yourself that those who are struggling deserve it until you became one. Then, you suddenly decided that it must be some deep state conspiracy instead of accepting that what's happening to you is exactly what you dismissed when it was happening to others.

Monday, April 15, 2024

The Christian Nationalist Hydra (TPM)

The Christian Nationalist Hydra: In Era of Trump, Christian Nationalism Has Many Faces

 From traditional Christian-right figures to secret societies envisioning a ‘national divorce,’ a growing contingent of radical activists is planning for Christian supremacy.

I am a journalist who has covered the Christian right for two decades. Over the past three years, I began to more frequently use the term “Christian nationalism” to describe the movement I cover. But I did not start using a new term to suggest its proponents’ ideology had changed. Instead, the term had come into more common usage in the Trump era, now regularly used by academics, journalists, and pro-democracy activists to describe a movement that insists America is a “Christian nation” — that is, an illiberal, nominally democratic theocracy, rather than a pluralistic secular democracy.

To me, the phrase was highly descriptive of the movement I’ve dedicated my career to covering, and neatly encapsulates the core threat the Christian right poses to freedom and equality. From its top leaders and influencers down to the grassroots — politically mobilized white evangelicals, the foot soldiers of the Christian right — its proponents believe that God divinely ordained America to be a Christian nation; that this Christian nation has come under attack by liberals and secularists; and that patriotic Christians must engage in spiritual warfare to rid America of demonic forces, and in political action to restore its Christian heritage. That includes taking political steps — as a voter, as an elected official, as a lawyer, as a judge — to ensure that America is governed according to a “biblical worldview.”

If you want to see that definition in action, look no further than the career of House Speaker Mike Johnson. Seventeen years ago, when I interviewed Johnson, then a lawyer with the Christian right legal powerhouse Alliance Defending Freedom, I would have labeled him a loyal soldier in the Christian right’s legal army trying to bring down the separation of church and state. He is a product of and a participant in a sprawling religious and political infrastructure that has made the movement’s successes possible, from politically active megachurches, to culture-shaping organizations like Focus on the Family, to political players like the Family Research Council, to the legal force in his former employer ADF

In today’s parlance, Johnson is a Christian nationalist — although he, like most of his compatriots, has certainly not embraced the label. But Mike Johnson the House Speaker is still Mike Johnson the lawyer I interviewed all those years ago: an evangelical called to politics to be a “servant leader” to a Christian nation, dedicated to its governance according to a biblical worldview: against church-state separation, for expanded rights for conservative Christians, adamantly against abortion and LGBTQ rights, and especially, currently, trans rights.

That mindset is still the beating heart of the Christian right, even as the movement, and other movements in the far-right space, have radicalized in the Trump era, taking on new forms and embracing a range of solutions to the apocalyptic trajectory they see America to be on. Different movements imagining a version of Christian supremacy exist side by side — different strains that often borrow ideas from one another, and that fit comfortably under the banner of Christian nationalism.  

The term “Christian nationalism” became popularized during Trump’s presidency for a few reasons. First, Trump, who first ran in 2016 on a nativist platform with the nationalist slogan “Make America Great Again,” was and still is dependent on white evangelicals to win elections and maintain a hold on power. He is consequently willing to carry out their goals, bringing their ambitions closer to fruition than they’ve ever been in their 45-year marriage to the Republican Party. They have been clear, for example, in crediting him for the downfall of Roe v. Wade, among other assaults on other peoples’ rights.

Second, the prominence of Christian iconography at the January 6 insurrection, and the support for Trump’s stolen election lie before, during, and after January 6 by both Christian right influencers and the grassroots, brought into stark relief that Christian nationalist motivations helped fuel his attempted coup.  

Finally, sociologists studying the belief systems of Christian nationalists pushed the term into public usage, as did anti-nationalist Christians, especially after January 6, in order to elevate awareness of the threats Christian nationalism poses to democracy. (The paperback edition of my book, Unholy, which was published in mid-2021 and included a post-January 6 afterword, reflected the increasing usage of the term Christian nationalists by including the term in a fresh subtitle.)

The Trump era, along with the rise of openly Christian nationalist social media sites like Gab, and Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, have given space for otherwise unknown figures, like the rabidly antisemitic Gab founder Andrew Torba, co-author of the book Christian Nationalism: A Biblical Guide For Taking Dominion And Discipling Nations, and Stephen Wolfe, author of the racist book The Case for Christian Nationalism, to enter the Christian nationalism discourse. Although Torba and Wolfe have made waves online, and extremism watchers are rightly alarmed that their tracts could prove influential and radicalizing, they remain distinct from the Christian right. Torba’s antisemitism is so extreme, for example, that Pennsylvania GOP gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano — himself extreme — was forced to create some daylight between himself and his supporter Torba in his 2022 run. Torba’s site platformed the antisemitic rantings of the shooter in the 2018 massacre at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue, and Torba himself has said Jews aren’t welcome in his envisioned Christian nation. The Republican Jewish Coalition called Gab “a cesspool of bigotry and antisemitism.” Mastriano’s move seemed motivated more by self-preservation than contrition (and he lost the race anyway). 

That’s not to say, of course, that the Christian right and the conservative movement more broadly haven’t tolerated racists and other extremists in their midst — Trump’s endurance as their savior itself proves just how much that tolerance persists. Their entire alliance with Trump is one of sharing political and ideological space with the overtly antisemitic, racist, Islamophobic, nativist extremists he elevated to mainstream status in the GOP. But the Christian right is also committed to Christian Zionism, an ideology that claims to love the state of Israel while imagining it as the locus of Jesus’s violent return, and which is, in its philosemitism and bloody apocalyptic fantasies, antisemitic. Still, it would make it difficult for them to form explicit alliances with someone like Torba, a self-described Christian nationalist who repeatedly and unabashedly promotes some of the world’s oldest and ugliest antisemitic tropes like the Jews killed Jesus and secretly control the world. 

What’s more, Torba advocates for a “parallel society” for Christians to escape the supposedly debauched America he deplores. This is not unlike the Benedict Option advocated by conservative Christian (and Viktor Orbán admirer) Rod Dreher, or the secret, hyper-patriarchal Society for Civic American Renewal exposed by TPM’s Josh Kovensky, which is recruiting “unhyphenated” men of only certain denominations to run a Christian government after an anticipated “national divorce.” The language of SACR’s internal documents, to me, as a student of evangelicalism, is quite distinct from the sort of statement of faith you’d see from a church or evangelical organization, which would emphasize one’s salvation in Jesus Christ, commitment to the Bible as the literal, inerrant word of God, and the imperative for Christians to preach the gospel around the world.

The conventional Christian right does not want a parallel society or a divorce. They believe they are restoring, and will run, the Christian nation God intended America to be — from the inside. They will do that, in their view, through faith (evangelizing others and bringing them to salvation through Jesus Christ); through spiritual warfare (using prayer to battle satanic enemies of Christian America); and through politics and the law (governing and lawmaking from a “biblical worldview” after eviscerating church-state separation). Changes in the evangelical world, particularly the emphasis in the growing charismatic movement on prophecy, signs and wonders, spiritual warfare, the prosperity gospel, and Trumpism, has intensified the prominence of the supernatural in their politics, giving their Christian nationalism its own unmistakable brand.

For decades, Christian right has been completely open about their beliefs and goals. Their quest to take dominion over American institutions by openly evangelizing and instituting Christian supremacist policies sets the Christian right apart from other types of Christian nationalists who might operate in secret, or imagine utopian communities as the ideal way to save themselves from a secular, debauched nation. 

The fact that far-right extremists like Torba or Wolfe embrace the Christian nationalist label gives the more conventional Christian right leaders and organizations space to disassociate themselves from it. Some also berate journalists who use it to describe them, accusing them of hurling a left-wing slur at Christians. 

The bottom line is that Christian nationalism takes on different forms, and despite organizational or even ideological differences, ideas can penetrate the often porous borders between different camps. Someone who receives the daily email blast from the Family Research Council might also be drawn to Wolfe’s book, for example. On a more unnerving, macro level, major right-wing and GOP figures, including Marjorie Taylor Greene and the CEO of the Daily Wire, the podcast consortium run by conservative influencer Ben Shapiro, have embraced the rabidly antisemitic, Hitler-admiring antagonist Nick Fuentes, who is Catholic but also is accurately described as a Christian nationalist. The increasingly influential Catholic integralist movement, which seeks a Catholic-inflected replacement for the “liberal order,” is yet another unique form of Christian nationalism.

Christian nationalism is a serious threat to democracy, because it is premised on the supremacy of Christianity and rejects the democratic values of freedom and equality for all. It is crucial to understand that it takes various forms, how its numerous proponents differ, and how they intersect. Some pose a threat because of their proximity to political and legal power; others because they accelerate racist and antisemitic rhetoric; and still others because they might incite violence. These distinctions show how Christian nationalism is varied, very combustible, and critical to combat.

Monday, April 8, 2024

A Taste of Normal

 Last night I worked as a valet. 

It was wonderful. 

After four months of being away, I felt like I was in a place I belonged. I knew what I was doing. I was relaxed and confident. I was content.

It's been four months since my heart attack, and I had eleven weeks off from work. I didn't go back to valet right away because the hotel was worried that if I lifted a suitcase I would die. My doctor had actually cleared me to work after seven weeks off, but the hotel didn't quite know what to do with me. Eventually we came to an agreement that I would work the night audit shift at the front desk.

I was not happy about going back to working nights. I had worked the overnight shift for thirteen years at this hotel, and before that, four years at another. When the pandemic began, the valet department had a six month vacation. When we came back, the overnight shift was dispensed with, and I was moved to the early morning shift, and then later, the mid shift during the week, and closing shift on the weekends. I liked the new schedule. I got to spend time with Gaby and with friends and family. I had time and daylight to work on projects. It was nice. 

The fellow they had (have) training me is Matt, and he's one of those people who is just good at everything, which kinda worries me. We had a fellow that was good at everything - EV ER Y THING -  a few years the name of Justin. I could say that Justin got burned out, but it would be more accurate to say that, because he was reliable and phenomenally skilled, the hotel actively burned him out. Justin had enough going on in his personal life and he didn't need to be treated like that. I liked Justin. A lot. I like Matt. A lot. I don't want to see the same thing happen to Matt.

Matt got a promotion, and is now one of our front office managers, which means he would be moving to daytime, so the race was on to get me trained. Problem is, I have no talent for computer stuff. I mean, if you show me which buttons I need to push, I can get the job done and eventually I will figure out what it all means, but you can't rush me. Matt began my training by teaching me how to do the audit. I took copious step-by-step notes, and referred to them constantly, adding to them as needed. At first the only part I was good at was the valet audit, which, y'know, of course, because I already understood it. Eventually I got to the point where all I needed was the checklist.

The deficiency in my training had to do with guest services. 

Now, I love working with the guests. I can eventually figure out the computer. But working with a guest AND a computer? That's a bad combination. There's a lot of pressure to do the job quickly and correctly. My GM asked me one morning how I was doing, and I expressed these fears. He said that the key was to act confidently like I knew what I was doing. My whole schtick has been to gain the sympathy of the guest by being the nervous new guy. 

They had scheduled me to work a couple of afternoon shifts in order to train me how to check in a guest, etc. Unfortunately, those two shifts happened to be on days when we had, like, twelve arrivals at 3:00 in the afternoon. Me being there was robbing the young ladies who were working that shift of the only thing they had to do all evening, so I got sent home early both times.

During one of those shifts, I was made an offer I couldn't refuse. If you've seen The Godfather, you know what I mean. The AFOM told me that the GM was asking about my intentions. I reiterated that valet was my first love, and that I was expecting to go back to it fully some time in early to mid summer. He didn't put it in so many words, but he basically told me that my return to valet was unlikely, and that if I didn't agree to stay on as night auditor, the hotel might not have a position for me at all. I told him that I was available to do whatever I was needed to do, but that night and the next day, the more I thought about it the more demoralized I became.  Still, as I told one of my other coworkers, it's only three years. I reach my 20 years, with all the lifetime benefits, two days before I reach retirement age. I can hang on till then.

Eventually, Matt left me. I was supposed to start flying solo on the 22nd of March (Friday!?! Are you freakin' serious?!), but Matt stayed that night just to make sure I didn't get overwhelmed. The following Wednesday I really was alone.

Once upon a time, it was normal to have two or three people working the front desk overnight, especially on the weekends. New management has decided that that is unnecessary, which Matt has accurately described as "bullshit." My first week (my permanent schedule is Wednesday through Friday, 10pm to 8am) went okay. I figured out a system for making sure I got everything done, and knew what to talk to the FOM about in the morning after she and the rest of the morning crew arrive an hour late. I might have given away some free rooms, but nobody complained. But this week has been rough, and not just for me. My counterpart, Sheila, had such a bad time Saturday night that Matt, who has been sick the last few days, was worried that she would not come in last night and he'd have to work a double.

And Sheila knows what she's doing. Me? I'm on the phone with a woman I can't hear because a) it's a bad connection, and b) the music in the bar and the crowd in the lobby is too loud, and she's wanting to know if I can get her into two rooms on a particular date that the app has already told her is not available. I don't know how to do that. This while I've got two parties trying to check in, and I need to move a VIP out of a room where someone has been smoking without him being charged extra for the upgrade. Who knew that the audit would be the easy part.

I should have just transferred her to reservations. Hindsight.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
I've been going to a cardio rehab class for the last couple of months. It's basically a gym class where they monitor your blood pressure and teach you to exercise for your heart health. I graduated last Monday. That made me available for a mid or evening shift in valet, aside from my duties at the front desk. I had been discussing my return with my bell captain, and we decided on Sunday night as a good night for me. It's not terribly busy, so I don't have to exert myself too much right away, and nobody else on staff is going to miss working that night.

Last night I got to visit with guests as they came in. I didn't have to use a computer. I made a little bit of money. And as a bonus, the weather was wonderful. I was very happy.

Sunday nights are going to be my island of sanity in a world of chaos.