Saturday, July 25, 2009

Setting The Record Straight

My brother is in town, and yesterday morning I sat down with him and we talked awhile about what's going on with him, the things he's reading and learning about, etc. As I listened, I started to think that a previous post was rather unfair to him and my Dad, because it suggested that they may not be too bright. Actually they are very smart people.
My brother works for NASA, used to build his own computers, and has lately developed a thirst for knowledge about finance, marketing, and brain function with respect to social relationships. He's actually invented some computer and robotics products that are being marketed worldwide. (Check the link on the right.) I brag about him a lot.
My Dad was a quality control manager for a series of electrinics companies, also built his own computers (and mine), and knows everything one needs to know about real estate, having owned rental properties since the mid sixties. He's also a pretty good artist in his own right.
So in the future, if I say anything critical about either of them, understand that it's just a matter of disagreement on a position. I have the highest regard for both of them.

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