Friday, July 8, 2016

Hungry Bob

My friend Ted posted a pic of what appears to be a Facebook post by a guy named Adam Campbell, and while I think it's a perfect illustration on its own, I would like to expand on it.  Bear with me; I dislike using analogies to discuss things as they are never perfect, but I'm going to try anyway.

A large group people are sitting at a table in a restaurant.  Everyone has a plate of food except Bob.  Bob says, "Bob deserves food."  Everyone at the table responds with "Everyone deserves food."  Although "everyone deserves food" is a true statement, it does nothing to rectify the problem.  Bob still has no food.
    So Bob decides to complain to the manager.  Some people at the table object.  The pink uniformed waitress might lose her job.  Waitresses have a very difficult job, working for little pay.  Often, they are single mothers, and the income from that job is often the only income the family has.  So some people at the table start declaring that "pink jobs matter."  Which is a true statement.  Pink jobs do matter.
    Others want to know why we're making this all about Bob.  Everyone deserves food, not just Bob.  Bob is not more important than anyone else.  "Put your 'Bob Card' away and grow up."

Bob still has no food.

As long as we continue to make this a philosophical debate, we never have to feed Bob.

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