Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Core of Hate

A post from a Facebook friend, commenting on the White Supremacist Rally in Charlottesville this weekend.
An apology is a way to convey a message. The Daily Stormer is a leading White Supremacy site. They got the message.
I haven't posted on this because I haven't had enough control over myself to do so, but in the quiet of the morning, here are my thoughts.
We are a single species. One. Proven. If you are a Christian, you also know that we are all in image. All.
Hate is learned, and it is born of the unholy matrimony of low self esteem and greed. The core of hate is a fear of being lower than others in the pecking order... the idea that others get something you didn't. If it stopped there, that'd be one thing, but it's the glee in hating that that defines it.
At the center of each of us is the deep desire to be seen and appreciated for our uniqueness, and the intricateness of our heart. Flawed, and optimistic, we hope to be loved. At some point, for a few, the kinship they find comes from defining difference. Then defining value based on differences. This is creating a false construct to justify ones position in this hierarchy. And, it's all complete bullshit.
From the dawn of humanity, the effort to create these control constructs has been one of the human race's crowning achievements (the other is the arts and sciences). Our efforts in self-aggrandizement is a shining testament to anger and inferiority complexes. The arts and science show what we are truly capable of achieving.
When our president shows us where he is, the least we can do is believe him. In my America, Nazi terrorists don't get to kill people, beat people or get a pass to rachet up their terror just to feed their self esteem issues. They get vilified, arrested and punished the same as any other terrorist, acting on flawed thinking, would receive.
Hate is the enemy of all that we, the amazing human race (all of us, in every shade, in every gender) could achieve.
  - Jet Netwal

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