Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Conversation at Work

Garris, Anthony, and myself out in front of the hotel at shift change:

Me: "Did you meet Mr. Dunham today?"
Anthony: "Who?"
Me: "Payton Dunham. He's the location manager for the movie. We know each other."
Anthony: "No, I didn't meet him, but I saw his card all over the hotel."
Me: "Yeah, I was telling a few people to say hi for me. We used to go to school together."
Anthony: "Well, I didn't meet him, but Casey Affleck is a dickhead."
Garris: (laughing) "Oh, yeah?"
Anthony: "I was checking in a guest while they were filming, and I said, 'Good evening! How are you?', and Casey Affleck turns around and says, 'Shhhh!' I said, 'Don't shush me! I'm doing my job. You don't pay my salary!' He gives me this (demonstrates an appalled look). Then later he's buying some aspirin, and I make a little joke, and he looks at me like this (a condescening smirk), and as I'm handing him his change he says, 'Thanks, Slick,' and walks off. What a jerk."

Funny, but I don't think Anthony is aware of his own contribution to this story.

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