Sunday, June 7, 2009

Grace and Small Talk

A couple from Florida stayed at the hotel this week. My attention was first aroused when one of them, a very handsome fellow, came down with their dog, a prince charles. The second morning that they were here, I got to tell him that that was the same breed of dog my partner had originally wanted before he got the schnauzer. That evening he introduced me to his partner. I hoped for a chance to visit with them, so I offered them the tour of the hotel. They thanked me, said they'd think about it, but went on to bed a bit later.
Last night I thought I finally had a chance to talk. They got in late, and sat out on the patio outside the bar for an evening smoke. I had just finished my major task for the evening, and had a few minutes, so I walked over and asked, "Do you guys mind if I join you?" They looked at me as if I'd offered them a booger. I sat down anyway.
One of them was explaining to the other plans for an event they were going to, and they pretty much ignored me for a couple of minutes. Then the other asked me how I was doing tonight, and I said that it just felt good to sit down for a minute. Hindsight tells me that at this point I could have asked them about their trip home the next day, and asked if the dog was a good traveler, etc. But I was feeling decidedly unwelcome and my thoughts didn't go that direction. They immediately resumed their previous conversation, and after a minute or two, I got up to pick up some glasses and trash left on a nearby table, and left them alone.

It put me in mind of another situation out at the club a couple of years ago, in which I saw a young fellow I knew sitting at a table talking to another young man. I walked over and said hi, and his response was, "Do you mind??? We're having a PRIVate conversation!" I was dumbfounded, and retreated, but in all honesty this is only the most shocking example of the way some people act at the club. Unfortunately, a lot of guys like to make a show of snubbing other people.
So the question in my mind tonight is, Why is it so hard for gay guys to be gracious?
That situation should have gone like this:
Me: Good evening, K. How are you?
K: Hey, there! I'm doing fine. How 'bout yourself?
Me: Not bad.
K: This is my friend C.
Me: Hello, C. I'm Ron. (handshake)
C: Hello, Ron.
K: Hey, listen, Ron. Could you excuse us? We're in the middle of something.
Me: Sure, no problem.
K: Thanks. We'll try to catch up with you later.
Me: Ok. Nice to meet you, C.
C: Likewise, Ron. (handshake)
Me: (pat K on back, leave)
Now, is that so hard? Everyone got what they wanted, and no one went away feeling like the other was a dickhead.

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