Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Tad Eager, Aren't We?

A few weeks ago, Gaby got a surprise in the mail. The Polk County Recorder/Registrar of Vital Records in Des Moines, Iowa sent him an application for a marriage licence.

It took a while for Bossman to figure out when the second part of my vacation would be (nobody wants to work my shift, so scheduling my time off is a coöperative effort.) When that was figured out, we were able to start making plans for the nine hour trip to Iowa. I was a bit worried at one point about how many days we would need to be there, because the instructions for the application said that we would need to fill it out in the County Recorder's office there in Des Moines. Not only did that present a time and money problem, but we don't know anyone in Iowa, so we would have to take someone with us to be the witness. A phone call to Theresa at the CR office let us know that we could fill it out here, and mail it.

A lady who works in the main office at the hotel is a notary, and there is no shortage of witnesses, so Gaby and I went downtown to get the application filled out. We grabbed TJ, who is a friend to both of us, to be the witness. Gaby met a few more of my co-workers while there, so now he can put a face to some of the names I mention. He thinks FOM is hot.

So we get it all filled out, and there are congratulations all around. We were so excited. We immediately went to the post office a few blocks up the street, and mailed it off. Two hours later we realized that we had forgotten to enclose the check. Another envelope, another 44¢ worth of stamps, and another phone call. Theresa told me not to worry about it, because it was going to be coming to her desk anyway, and she'd watch out for it.

Next steps: make an appointment with a judge, and make hotel reservations. And a surprise.

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