Monday, April 30, 2012

Like a Record, Baby, Right Round Round Round

There are certain subjects that I have decided are off limits in this blog, but I'm going to have to travel along the edges of one of them to tell this story.

My friend Mark and my brother are of two divergent (and frankly competing) faiths, and each is actively involved in their respective religious institutions as well, so naturally their points of view are going to show up on their Facebook posts.  Today, each of them posted the same story, but each post had a spin that reflected their own personal predjudices.  I find spin fascinating, but I rarely get to see it displayed so starkly.

Anti-Bullying Speaker Curses Christian Teens
By Todd Starnes As many as 100 high school students walked out of a national journalism conference after an anti-bullying speaker began cursing, attacked the Bible and reportedly called those who refused to listen to his rant “pansy assed.” The speaker was Dan Savage, founder of the “It...

Christians walk out on anti-bullying talk
Gay Activist and founder of the “It Gets Better” anti-bullying project, Dan Savage recently spoke at the National High School Journalist Conference in Seattle. ..

I watched the video and read the story, and my point of view didn't quite line up with either presentation.  It's probably because I've been conditioned to recognize this particular type of hypocrisy (and please understand that this is not a judgement; I believe hypocrisy is just human nature), but if I were writing the story it would have a very long headline.

Dan Savage Uses The Bible and Religion To Justify His Predjudices Against People Who Use The Bible and Religion To Justify Their Predjudices. 

But then I guess that could be considered to have it's own spin.

1 comment:

  1. >LOL! I like it. Allow me to spin the title in another way.

    Dan Savage cherry picks The Bible finding all he needs to Justify His Predjudices Against People Who cherry pick the Bible and find all they need to Justify Their Predjudices.

    What else would you expect to glean from a book compiled from so many different authors who had so many different points of view. :P

    (yes, the emoticon is part of the title)
