Saturday, January 7, 2017

Sometimes The Comments...

    John Grey has a new post in his GBPOTUS blog, in which he itemizes some of the ways Liberals have made conservative lives better.  It was a pretty well written post.  It was reposted on Facebook by Wendy Olson, and subsequently by David's Snarky Politics Place, which is how I found it. 
    I've often said that "sometimes the comments are better," and one of Ms Olson's commenters did not disappoint:

[Another commenter's name], I don't know what rock you crawled out from under, but they never educated you while you were there. To start, if you want to reach people you do not begin referring to them as "yiu" citizens, or anything else. That implies that you believe they are different from you, and usually less of a human being than you, and you should never tell another person to "settle down," because that will illicit an escalation of whatever upheaval you perceive they are going through.  
Now to my big point. You obviously are a conservative Republican follower. I saw follower because you have bought their propaganda hook line and sinker. Having read your "posting" I now know that you are uneducated, or otherwise unorganized. I have waded through the propaganda drivel and have come to the conclusion you are 'he who doesn't understand.' 
The Constitution is the basis of law in this country, which is led by 538 Congressmen who are responsible for making law that is compatible with the Constitution, and the majority of those people, including those many who are lawyers, do not understand that document. There has been much discussion about the Constitution, not just in this election cycle, but for every decade of the nation's existence, because some in leadership don't want the people to have rights and freedoms because it doesn't fit their agenda of leading the country where they want to take it, or it threatens their desired goal of controlling of the citizens. The Republican Party has been seeking to change the Constitution to give them more control, first, of marginalized people, who are not in a position to fight back (i.e. the poor, elderly, and disabled, and ultimately women, who have been fighting for their rights forever.)  
The Republican Party ascribes to the idea that if you are not a Christian, white male, you shouldn't be able to lead a life with any respect or benefits, or be capable of making your own decisions. In this ideological framework, America is just as big a cesspool as other countries that allow women, children, the elderly , handicapped and poor to be murdered, raped, trafficked and dehumanizing. Therefore, you are backing evil people and providing support for those who one day will say, "Hey, there goes Joe. He's old now so he has become a leech on society because he can't meet the standards we expect from our people anymore, no matter how well he has served our purposes in the past." Let's see how long you survive without freedom, work, healthcare or anything else that humanity needs, should have, and which most earn and pay for themselves -- unlike our government officials who receive freedoms above the average citizen, like the freedom to board a plane and fly anywhere they want to go without submitting their possessions and bodies to a thorough search, and sitting for 2 hours in an airport before boarding a plane, or not even being required to accept a traffic ticket, or to answer questions from the police, or even getting his check attached by the creditors he didn't pay (including their unpaid child support).  
I could go on for hours but I am bored with people like you.  
[Edited for clarity.]

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