Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Not Part of the Plan

I woke up at 9:15pm. I had slept for 12 hours, and I had a slight headache. Gaby wasn't home, but had left a message on the machine that he was still at Gus'. An aspirin, shower, a frozen pizza, a couple of cups of coffee, and I was off to work.
I still felt very tired, but I thought that once the food and caffiene kicked in that I would feel ok. Not to be.
No parking places out front, so I pulled to the curb and handed my keys to Ian. He offerd to switch places with me and handed the keys back. I turned back to my car and immediatly got very dizzy. Later, while getting dressed in the locker room, I felt dizzy again. I had been having some dizzy spells for a couple of weeks, so I was a bit concerned. In the locker room, I talked with Mike, one of our cooks, about his heart problems. Not many similarities.
Gaby came by, and I told him how I was feeling, and Jess and the two of us speculated about why I felt the way I did. After he left, I went upstairs to get a six-pack of water, and then almost passed out in the office. I called Gaby and had him come back and get me. My car is still there. I had to leave my job in the care of other people. I hate that. And I'm losing several hours.
On the way home, I told him I wanted to go to the emergency room. We got there a little before 1:00am and left a little before 5:00, way past my suppertime, way past Gaby's bedtime. After blood tests, EKG, x-rays, and a lot of catnapping, the very, very cute doctor couldn't find anything wrong, except perhaps a slight irregularity with my heartbeat. Without any other symptoms, he could only suggest that I was just feeling a bit rundown. My co-pay was $150. I could have just gone home and slept it off. Thank God for insurance.

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