Friday, May 15, 2009

Doggy Phobia

Last weekend (which for me is from Sunday morning to Tuesday evening,) we decided to get a head start on some of the summer plans by taking out the carpet in the back room. It was easier than we anticipated, and in a couple of hours we had exposed and cleaned the floor underneath, which is green square kitchen tile. It was in such good shape that we could actually leave it as is if it weren't for the fact that the color puts the ug in ugly.
We thought the dogs would find it interesting; curious, perhaps. We had no idea that Shadie the schnauzer would actually be frightened by it. Her bed is in the closet in that room, and she now refuses to get out of bed to go outside in the morning. When we open the back door to let her in, she whimpers and wiggles with nervousness, because she wants in, just not on THE SCARY FLOOR! When we do get her in, she races to the living room, where it is safe. Then, if we are in the back room watching TV, she stands at the door and whines. (When she's excited or nervous, she makes a sound like a rooster crowing.) It frustrates her that now Fritz is getting all the attention because he's not afraid of THE SCARY FLOOR!
Last night she was really a nervous wreck, because she's also afraid of thunderstorms, and she would have to walk across THE SCARY FLOOR in order to get some comfort from Gaby. Tonight I got a lot of amusement from tormenting her by putting the gate across her only exit, locking her in the room. She got up on the couch and couldn't get down.
Just wait till this summer when we redo the living room floor, too. (Insert evil laugh here.)

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