Saturday, May 2, 2009

There's One (Or Two) In Every Crowd

Tuesday was Gaby's 40th birthday, and I threw him a surprise party. I say "surprise" although he knew something was up. I had to tell him that someone special was coming over just to keep him from going to Texas. And at some point preceding, he found the beer and liquor that I had carefully hidden in the studio. Ah, well.
Ten guests showed up, five times more than the last party I threw, and Gaby really had a good time. My friend Jason made a marvelous cake, and I got way too much food and beer. Everyone seems to have had a good time, and I think a couple of the guys might start dropping in once in a while.

Since the party was on a Tuesday, I started inviting people a month in advance so they could make arrangements. I called Jason to get him to make the cake. I called Gus to have him start thinking about who of the Hispanics should be invited. (Gus had taken Gaby camping with a few other guys, and I hoped that some of those guys could come. Gus repeatedly complained about the party being on a Tuesday, and ultimately I don't think he called anyone.)

I invited our friends from Texas, and they were all eager to come, but two couldn't get out of work, one couldn't get a baby-sitter for two days, and the other, our dearest friend, Charla, got sick. Charla overnighted a card and gift certificate that arrived just a couple of hours before the party, and she and two of the other Texans called during the party.

Locally, I invited a few of my cöworkers, and some guys we know from the club. In particular, I invited Gus' cöworker, Oscar, a fellow that Gaby had gotten to know recently, and whose company he really enjoyed. Oscar didn't know me well enough for me to call him on the phone, so I went to his office and extended a personal invitation to him and his wife.

A week before the party, I sent a text message out to those with cell phones as a reminder. Oscar texted back demanding to know who Gaby was. I texted back that Gaby was the guy who helped him move into his new house just a few days before. I couldn't believe he had forgotten him so quickly.

A couple of days before the party, I called around RSVPish to get a feel for how much food I should buy, and to make sure everyone had directions. Most were eager to come, one had to decline. From these calls, I figured there would be around 15 people. Even if 15 had shown up, I still had way too much food. The enchiladas I made were a whole serving each, and I had enough fixins for 50. (I made twenty; twelve were eaten.) I also got six bags of chips, three cans of Mexican style rice (which was awful), a whole bag of limes, and enough Velveeta to make two crock pots full of queso. Some guests also brought food.
I also bought seven bottles of pop, $56 worth of beer (and I don't even like beer), a bottle of tequila, and a bottle of vodka (which, along with the Kahlua one guest brought for White Russians, was the only thing anyone drank.)

I think we're going to have to throw another party just to get rid of the beer and chips.

A day or two after the party, Gaby talked to Gus. Gus didn't think we had enough food. He also said that Oscar decided not to come to the party because I had been "harassing" him with all the phone calls and text messages. Singular people, those two. I'm not sure what to say about the harassment charge.

1 comment:

  1. Yay surprise party!

    I'm glad you (for the most part) enjoyed it
