Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Good Trip

I'm enjoying this trip a lot more than the last time we were here. The lodgings are more enjoyable, I'm getting some rest, and we've seen all the friends we want to see without being rushed to be someplace.
We left here yesterday to see our good friend Charla, who lives in Bedford. Besides leaving later than we intended, it took us forever to get through the traffic jam on the "high five," the new interchange between I-635 and State Highway 75. Charla took us to lunch at Cheddar's, and we went back to her house and caught up on stuff. Gaby told her when we were leaving that he wished she lived close enough that we could visit at least once a week. Me, too.
Traffic kinda forced us to take the long way home. I don't mind that kind of thing when we have nowhere special to be. I really like exploring. Back to the hotel for a nap and then to meet Saul for a late supper.
Saul was Gaby's roommate when Gaby lived in Garland. (Robin Williams played him in "The Bird Cage." I swear, it was uncanny.) He met us a little Italian place called Tony's (of course.) I was delighted to find tortellini bolognese on the menu. I love that stuff, and I haven't had any since, oh, 1986? Saul gave Gaby a computer he'd picked up at the thrift store. We'll see if it works.
Then we went out to the "area," as Gaby calls it. It's a cluster of gay-owned shops, restaurants, and clubs at the corner of Cedar Springs and Throckmorton. (Look up the medical term "throckmorton" on wikipedia.) Not very many people out on a Monday night. We had a stilted conversation with a couple there, which I started, but it didn't last long. Gaby chastised me about just walking up to people and talking to them, but how are we supposed to meet anybody if we don't? I did find out that I really don't care for vodka-7s, even with a lime.
Anyway, back to the hotel, and to bed. Lunch today with Saul, then home, and work.

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