Tuesday, May 26, 2009

¡Que $emana!

So, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday we were in Dallas, and I had to work Tuesday night. I slept 13 hours Wednesday and got up just in time to go back to work. Thursday and Friday I had family obligations, and in all this time I had things I wanted to do and couldn't because I had demands on my time. So when Saturday rolled around, I told Gaby that I really wanted some time to myself. I didn't mean for it to sound that way, but he took it that I was telling him to vacate and not come back till I was at work. He was a little miffed about it, too.
We needed groceries desperately, so Sunday evening we took off to the WallyWorld, stopping at the Braum's first for supper. My debit card was declined. We had some cash, but not enough for groceries and dinner. On the way home, we stopped at the bank to check my balance. I knew that it was not possible that I was overdrawn. The ATM was sorry, but it could not process my request at that time. All I did was stick in my card. How do you even know what my request is? I figured the machine must be down, so Monday morning I went to a different ATM. Same result. Now I'm really concerned, and with it being the holiday and all, I had no one to ask about it. Unless...
I called the customer service line, and, wonder of wonders, a real person answered. I explained my problem, and got transferred to a supervisor, who informed me that on the same day that I was buying a sandwich in Edmond OK, someone else was buying $495 worth of groceries somewhere in Pennsylvania with the same debit card. This looked suspicious, so they shut down my card. She promised me that the money taken from my account would be returned, and that I would have a new card in a few days.
This morning, I went to the bank to make a deposit, and I got a printout of all transactions on my account for May. That one was the only bogus charge. All other checks and debits were accounted for. I'm really impressed. Chase Bank is really on top of things.
What I'd really like to know, tho, is how did someone in PA get my account info?????
Meanwhile, groceries.

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