Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Pain of the Pepsi Perdido

Saturday night on the way to work, I dropped by the Arby's for a bite, and by the time I arrived to work, I hadn't had a drink of my Pepsi. I stuck it in the office while I went to change and clock in. After a few minutes of working on the drive, I was thirsty. I went to the office to get a drink, only to discover that one of the afternoon desk guys, Kevin, had cleaned the office before he left, disposing of my drink. As a result, it was necessary to do all I could do to make him feel very guilty. Unfortunately, for some reason we did not have his phone number in the office, so I couldn't call him at 3am demanding a replacement. And it would be four days before I worked with him again.
So last night, when I came in, he was working at the desk. I stood in front of him, pursing my lips with a very disapproving glare. He looked up, and said, "I understand I owe you a Pepsi."
I had to explain why. He remembered. He got all obsequious and apologetic. He offered me a dollar. I said, "No, I want you to go to Arby's and buy me one."
"OK. Sure. I can do that. Just tell me when you want it."
A minute later I was telling Brett, our overnight security guy that I had insisted that Kevin go buy a new drink instead of just paying for it. He said, facetiously, "Of course. He's got to feel your pain." Yeah, Brett gets it.
See, it's not about getting a replacement Pepsi. (I'd prefer a Coke.) Nor is it about feeling that I was robbed. (It's not that big a deal.) It's all about Kevin having put himself in a vulnerable position where I can play with his brain simply for my own amusement. (Insert evil laugh here.) I love this kind of stuff.

Adendum 5-30
Kevin insisted that I take $2.00 for the Pepsi, since he would have to have been buying it eight hours before he would see me.

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